What is the MindHub?

What is the MindHub?

A knowledge portal available via a strategic partnership between the Institute for Applied Psychometrics and Interactive Metronome.

MindHub Mission

MindHub Mission

Purpose, Passion and Serendipity

Purpose, Passion and Serendipity

What is IAP?

What is IAP?

IAP provides a research-to-practice bridge in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, education, measurement and statistics.

What is the Brain Clock?

What is the Brain Clock?

The Brain Clock blog provides timely information regarding the human brain clock and applied brain-based neurotechnologies.

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Meet Dr. Kevin McGrew, PHD

IQ McGrew:

Dr. Kevin McGrew is the Director of the Institute for Applied Psychometrics (IAP). He received a master’s degree in School Psychology at Minnesota State University Moorhead (previously known as Moorhead State University) and his doctoral degree in Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota. He was a practicing school psychologist for 12 years. He spent 10 years as a Professor of Applied Psychology at St. Cloud State University. Dr. McGrew is currently a Research Professor (adjunct) at the Institute for Community Integration at the University of Minnesota.

Dr. McGrew conducts research in the areas of theories of human intelligence, personal competence, intelligence testing, school learning, and the application of neurotechnology to cognitive performance and learning. He has published over 90 different journal articles, books or book chapters in his areas of expertise. He is a coauthor of both the Woodcock-Johnson Battery III and the Woodcock-Johnson Battery IV. Detailed information can be found at the MindHub™ Director page.  Dr. McGrew disseminates information regarding human intelligence and the human brain clock at two professional blogs (IQs Corner; Brain Clock Blog). 


In the News

Recent interviews or news reports with Dr. McGrew:


Recent videos

Human intelligence research: Connecting the dots

Intelligence testing in proper perspective: The big picture

CHC intelligence theory update (CHC update 2.5) - A silent movie

More about the director



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