Meet Dr. Kevin McGrew, PHD
IQ McGrew:
Dr. Kevin McGrew is the Director of the Institute for Applied Psychometrics (IAP). He received a master’s degree in School Psychology at Minnesota State University Moorhead (previously known as Moorhead State University) and his doctoral degree in Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota. He was a practicing school psychologist for 12 years. He spent 10 years as a Professor of Applied Psychology at St. Cloud State University.
Dr. McGrew conducts research in the areas of theories of human intelligence, personal competence, intelligence testing, non-cognitive (conative) variables related to school learning, and the application of neurotechnology to cognitive performance and learning. He has published over 100 different peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. He has authored or coauthored four books on intelligence test interpretation. He is a coauthor of both the Woodcock-Johnson Battery III, the Woodcock-Johnson Battery IV, and is the senior author for the forthcomiing Woodcock-Johnson Battery V (Q1, 2025). Detailed information can be found at the MindHub™ Director page. Dr. McGrew disseminates information regarding human intelligence and the human brain clock at two professional blogs (IQs Corner; Brain Clock Blog).
In the News
Creativity Post: An Educational Psychologist Who Goes Beyond IQ (same as Psych Today)
Carrers in Psychology: A Psychometrician
Wall Street Journal Law Blog: Errors in Supreme Court Justice Alito's death penalty dissent
Wall Street Journal: Why Testing Gray Matter is Sometimes a Gray Area (2016)
More on McGrew
Flying high from the Kawarau Bungy Bridge outside of Queenstown, New Zealand, 1997